6 Powerful Note-Taking Tools to Activate Your Mind & Connect Ideas

Active note-taking transforms the knowledge you read into your own thoughts and ideas.

Catherine McNally
The Startup


Photo by Adolfo Félix on Unsplash

Frameworks and systems can make or break your creative endeavors. Without them, things get chaotic and you lose control. Trust me, I know!

A system for your notes should be one of the first foundations you build into your creative side hustle.

Well-organized notes help you:

  • Dive deeper into learning
  • Actively connect your own thoughts and ideas
  • Conjure up more creativity

If you don’t have a note-taking system in place, you’re in the right spot. Here are some of my favorite note-taking methods.

What type of note-taking is the best for learning?

We all learn in different ways, but note-taking can be one of the best methods for gaining new knowledge. Why?

Because note-taking gives you an opportunity to transform the knowledge you’re being handed into your own thoughts and ideas.

Personally, I prefer to take notes by hand.



Catherine McNally
The Startup

Creator, writer, artist. 🎨 I write about sustainable productivity, rest, and clawing your way out of burnout.