6 Great Tips to Finding Business Success Using a Retirement Mindset

Happiness drives success

Harry Lowell
The Startup


A Retirement Mindset / Photo by Simon Migaj via Unsplash

For most people, the thought of retirement conjures up easy-going images of freedom, financial independence, and happiness. It’s a time when you set your own schedule and focus only on projects you love. Without any restrictions. But what if you could live a “retirement mindset” right now? Regardless of your age. Without retiring at all. Well… I’ll show you exactly how I did it.

Whether you’re just beginning your start-up journey or have an established company, you can exponentially improve your business success, quality of life, and financial growth by building a retirement mindset into your work life. This can also bring back the passion for your work and help you gain clarity when a new client, investor, partner, or employee comes along for the ride.

It all begins with a mindset shift

We all want our business to succeed and flourish, and often we are so keenly focused on starting or growing our business that we become overrun by the creature we’ve created. As a result, we forget to appreciate why we started this venture in the first place and that it was designed to bring both business and personal satisfaction. If you’re doing it right, then you love what you do. But if you don’t love it…



Harry Lowell
The Startup

TV producer @ NiteLite Pictures • Helping entrepreneurs and businesses find more success • Advertising • Pitching • Entertainment • Pop-Tart Fanatic