6 Ways to Focus and Get Shit Done

Stephanie Huston
The Startup
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2018

You have a full time job, brilliant ideas to share with the world, a side hustle to manage, sleep to catch up on, exercise to power through, and about 100 other #adulting things to take care of.

24 hours in a day seems like we would have plenty of time to get all of our shit done — doesn’t Beyonce have those same 1,440 minutes?

But time seems to escape us, the weeks add up… and we’re not sure if we’ve made any progress at all.

So how do you get all of this shit done, without losing it!? Check out my top tips for getting shit done:


Attitude is everything. Being grateful and passionate about your life goes a long way during difficult hustle days.

We all go through shit — maybe you love your full time job, but have to work a side gig to pay the bills; or perhaps you’re no longer passionate about your career, and struggle to find a side hustle you’re pumped about.

If you’re not doing what you love right now, seek out the small things that bring you joy and start a daily gratitude practice to keep a positive mindset.

If you’re seeking what sparks your internal flame, check out my post on figuring out your purpose:


To create and maintain daily motivation to get shit done — write your goals down!

Even if they are big, lofty dreams — it helps to see them on paper and break them out into small steps that you should be taking in that right direction.

Whether it’s project based goals, annual achievements, or a lifelong vision — knowing what you are hustling for will fuel your drive and ensure your time is well spent.


People often never even start to chip away at their goals because it seems like such a big task to tackle.

Once you have stated your intentions, take each of your goals and break them out into a series of smaller goals that you can accomplish each month throughout the year. Then, take it further and break it down into what you can handle a week at a time.

This way you know what you have to do, so you can schedule the appropriate chunks of time to do it and get that shit done.


Ask yourself — “What will I do this week to create my legacy?”.

Staying organized and keeping an ongoing task list helps you see what’s coming up, where you need to schedule work or playtime in, evaluate your priorities, and tackle your to do list as efficiently as possible.

Writing down ideas, notes, and future tasks can help clear the clutter from your brain so you’re able to focus on the task in the moment.

Knowing what you have on your plate allows you to evaluate what you’re spending your time on and how you should spend it.


Set aside chunks of time to power through and focus on only the priorities you set for the day so you can work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You could try an interactive journal: Pierre Khawand, work and productivity expert, has a book called The Perfect 15-Minute Day: Managing Your Time, Thoughts, and Emotions, which helps you stay aware of what you’re working on and stay focused by working in highly productive bursts of short 15-minute increments.

Knowing that you’ve set aside specific time for tasks will keep you on track and focused in the moment.


This tip has been a tough pill for my Type A self to swallow — but it’s turned into my ultimate productivity hack.

The hustle is real, but giving yourself time to rest and reflect will ensure you are efficient and healthy in the long run.

If you’re constantly trying to run at full speed, you can get tired and anxious and that will only hinder the time it takes to achieve your goals.

Scheduling in chunks of free playtime and using your vacation days allow you to stay refreshed and creative!

Every single day counts leading up to your big dreams, and even though you can’t get it all done right now, every task will add up to something grand.

By writing down your intentions, breaking down and scheduling priorities, and chunking out time to focus, you can make sure the work you’re doing is leading you in the right direction with every project you take on and every person you meet.

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Stephanie Huston
The Startup

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