60 Awesome Tools and Resources for Freelancers and Small Businesses

From time management to client communication, and from invoicing to finding a workspace. Everything you need, in one place.

Pawan Kumar
The Startup


If you want to become a more effective entrepreneur, freelancer, or creator, you NEED tools.

Tools for managing projects. Tools for invoicing and proposals. And tools to keep you focused and productive.

In this article, you’re about to see the 60 best tools for freelancers and small businesses in 2022. I have used most of these tools in my freelancing journey.

It’s time to reveal my favorite freelancing tools.

🧭Keep You Focused

1. Tomato Timer

Have you heard of or used the Pomodoro technique? It’s a popular Time management technique that breaks the day into brief intervals. For example, you need to focus on one task for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute productivity-boosting break.

This timer helps you stay focused and then prompts you when it’s time to take a break. You don’t need to spend more time on something to get better outcomes or results.



Pawan Kumar
The Startup

Writer. Inbound Marketer. An Ambivert. Featured on Entrepreneur, Jeff Bullas, Addicted 2 Success, & HuffPost. My LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prepawan/