60 Extensions to Supercharge Visual Studio Code

Brandon Burrus
The Startup
Published in
11 min readJun 5, 2019


Photo by Joshua Aragon on Unsplash

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Visual Studio Code is absolutely awesome. Even out of the box, the editor can already do so much, especially for web developers. One of the major reasons that it’s so popular is that it has this unique ability to go from a strict text editor to a near full-blown IDE.

This is thanks to the fact that VSCode is extremely customizable. Every action you can think of in the editor? If it doesn’t already have a shortcut, you can definitely set one! Don’t like the color scheme? Yeah, there’s a setting for that too. But the real power of VSCode comes from its amazing extension marketplace.

Here’s a list of most of the extensions I make use of while using VSCode. I categorize them into four separate groups: general, specific, debugger, and snippet extensions. I definitely do not use all of these on a daily basis, but I’m also pretty good at getting rid of the ones I don’t need, or don’t make use of.

General Extensions

These extensions are useful no matter what kind of language you’re writing code in!

1. Settings Sync

If you work from multiple computers (like from work and home), this is a definite…

