7 Brilliant Business Lessons You Can Borrow from My Mentor

Follow these unconventional tips to be an exceptional solo entrepreneur.

Eszter Brhlik
The Startup


Photo by Emma Dau on Unsplash

Learning from people who’re ahead of you is the easiest and most effective way to become better at what you’re doing.

I’ve worked together with Eva Keiffenheim for two months on a writing course. Eva is a serial entrepreneur and writer with 2M+ readers. She also advises startups, education foundations, policymakers, and NGOs on strategic initiatives related to the future of education and learning.

During my time with her, I’ve crafted sales emails, given feedback on the course content, and edited tons of articles from fellow writers. As Eva was always transparent and helpful, I’ve learned a great deal about doing business along the way.

My insights from my mentor can also help you deliver high-quality. If you keep these lessons in mind, you can grow exponentially and impress your clients with outstanding results.

Here’re my most important takeaways that you can easily learn and apply to become an exceptional entrepreneur.

1. Reflect and adjust

At first, to reflect and adjust might feel like some fancy words for the obvious: learn from your mistakes. Yet, most…

