7 Brutal Mistakes I Made for Video Clients as a Freelancer
And what I would do if I started my career over
I’ve made over $225,000 producing video content.
Here are 7 things I’d do differently if I were starting again.
1. I’d charge per project. Not hourly.
An hourly wage puts you in a box
You’re paid for the time you work, not the value of your work. I charged $45/hr for my time, but it backfired because I was efficient.
Instead, I’d charge per project:
- Charge by perceived time and effort
- Understand your hourly rate
- Trust your skills
You’ll make more money this way.
2. I’d pay more attention to the speaker
Video and audio quality matter.
But if the talent on camera is low-energy and doesn’t want to be there, it will reflect on camera.
I’ve experienced this in ad shoots. We spent three days on a shoot once just to scrap the whole thing because the acting was off. This matters because trust is everything.