8 catchy quotes to shape your vision of leadership & management

Leslie Petrequin
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMay 23, 2018


Each and every memorable leader puts a lot of thoughts in how to grow their business. They craft their vision, assess risks, develop a plan of actions, and metrics to measure progress.

Today we had a Q&A session with one of our top executives at Youtube and they were asked “What was the worse decision you ever made”. Their answer was puzzling. They said “Most of my worst decision were bad hires”. In business as in Life, it often comes back to people. We do say people don’t leave teams, they leave a manager. Similarly, you can have the best vision, if you have people with poor attitude, you still won’t succeed. People are everything. Hiring and grooming the right people will have a tremendous impact on your likelihood to succeed as a business.

Here are 8 nuggets of wisdom that could come handy when thinking about hiring people & developing your team.

Picking and growing your people takes extreme commitment and focus. I like to refer to these quotes as they are short, quite visual and easy to remember.

1. “Play chess not checkers”. Great managers are like great chess masters. Each person has unique abilities, skill set, strengths and limitations. They know their people and position them to…



Leslie Petrequin
The Startup

Google / YouTube Executive. Entrepreneur. Personal Development Enthusiast.