Fucking hell Karen, did you actually just say the word “disruption” again? God, I need to get out of this place. Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

7 Corporatisms I never want to hear again

Because bullshit in corporate speak is even more excruciating than the garden variety

The Startup
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2019


I don’t think you’re ready

Always said by some higher up who thinks that because they’re higher up, they know better than you. As though every step up the ladder of hierarchy equals a jump of 10 IQ points and the wisdom of Yoda. I’ve seen this said to multiple young, extremely talented and ambitious people whose energy should have been harnessed, not blocked. It’s the worst kind of power trip, because you’re holding them back purely on your own opinion. And then they have the nerve to be annoyed when they go to a company who recognises their talent, doubles their pay and increases their seniority. Here’s some advice: they already have a dad, save your parenting for your own kids.

It’s important to be vulnerable and bring your whole self to work

Always from people who will stick a dagger in your back the second it’s turned. A favourite of the Brene Brown loving, book of the moment reading corporate sycophant crowd. Isn’t it always the way that the person with the least amount of self awareness spouts this crap and tells you how important it is, while displaying absolutely none of it? Oh sure, I’ll…

