7 Great Ways to Take a Break From Writing

Productive things to do when you need a minute to breathe

Kesten Harris
The Startup


A hand holding up a light bulb in front of a blue and pink sky.
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

When I’m not writing, I’m thinking about it. I visualize myself doing it, and I brainstorm new ideas to use when I go back to doing it.

I’m not good at relaxing.

When you’re a freelance writer, you’re the only one in charge of your work schedule. Your clients give you deadlines, but you decide if you’re going to meet them or not. That leads to moments where you feel guilty for trying to relax when you could be writing.

Don’t feel guilty about taking breaks. They’re essential to a healthy mind. Without them, you’ll overwork your mind until you crash and burn.

I like to find ways to make my breaks productive. You don’t have to be writing to improve your writing skills. And in some cases, improving your mental health does the trick. I certainly write better without stress weighing me down.

There are 7 things that always ramp up my creative levels and refill my inspiration tanks.

1. Watch People Interact

“Write what you know.”

Mark Twain

The above quote is one of the most popular pieces of writing advice. It means that if you’re a…



Kesten Harris
The Startup

Kesten E. Harris is a self-published author and freelance writer. He’s responsible for The Explorer and this mailing list: https://bit.ly/2SkXash