7 Habits of Highly Effective Teams

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Jordan Rothstein
The Startup


In today’s venture ecosystem, raising money is relatively painless. With digital frameworks and an abundance of developers, conceptualizing ideas and turning them into digital products has become nearly effortless. The process of renting a big office is idiot-proof. Hiring employees is easy — just ask one of the thousands of recruiters that call my office every day.

But building a highly effective team is no easy assignment. It starts by hiring the best talent you can find in hopes that they take ownership, think like an owner, and act proactively without having to micromanage them. Unfortunately, having a bunch of great self-starters in the right seats under one roof doesn’t give you a highly effective team. It gives you several highly intelligent individuals, which is a great start to building an effective team.

Outlined below are 7 habits of highly effective teams. By successfully focusing on all of these habits, the results will be a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

1. Clear Vision, Restated Often

High performance teams know where they are going, and why they are doing the work they do. Everyone needs to have a clearly defined…



Jordan Rothstein
The Startup

Stream of consciousness from a passionate entrepreneur. CEO @ King Tide. A Digital Product Studio. Rise Together.