7 Lessons I Learned From My Father That Improved My Life Forever

4 — You have to get good grades.

Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup


Cover photo for 7 Lessons I Learned From My Father That Improved My Life Forever
Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

I didn’t always have a great relationship with my father. Many kids don’t have it, and it’s ok. So everything I learned from him was from mere observation.

To be honest, we learned to appreciate each other only in the last few years we lived apart. I never stopped loving my dad. Nor did he. We only had different ways of showing it. And only later in life, we learned our respective love languages.

I needed his affirmation. But he was an authoritative person who wouldn’t give it. So it took years to smooth our characters and meet in the middle. So here are 7 lessons I learned from my father that improved my life forever. But first, let me introduce you to the man behind the story.

7 Lessons I Learned From My Father

My father was born in a poor village. He found a beautiful wife, my mother, and had two children.

I don’t know how much you know about poor villagers and their lives. But if I had to describe them, I would use two words: hope and stillness.



Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @ cosmopolitanmindset.substack.com