7 LIFE Rules For Happiness and Success

Victoria Grant
The Startup


If you are looking for Happiness and success in any area then read on for the Top 7 Rules of life.

Rule 1. Make Peace with Your Past

If you continue to beat yourself up for past actions that may have led you to misery or pain how then can you expect to live a vibrant and joyful life?

Remember, the only time that truly exists for us all is the here and now. And if you need a greater explanation of this I recommend reading the amazing book by Eckhart Tolle titled ‘The power of Now’

If you refuse to make peace with your past it can continue to haunt the gift that is your present resulting in unhappiness. If you want a bright future filled with all of your greatest hopes and desires then you must take full responsibility for who you are Being today.

Your Life is a true masterpiece carved out by the small actions and thoughts that you take and have daily. Never beat yourself up for something that you cannot change and always look for the lesson and the blessing in every situation. Practice the ability to move on quickly.

~Your Perception is your Reality~

Rule 2. What Others Think of You is None of your Business

I don’t believe that could be said any clearer.

You can spend hours, days and sometimes years worrying about what others think about you and believe me when I say most of the time you would be wrong.

There is no point whatsoever trying to please everyone all the time as it is an impossible and time-wasting task, and as selfish as it may sound the quicker you learn to please yourself ‘the happier you will be.’

Now, don’t get me wrong as I am not suggesting that you never consider how your actions and words make someone else feel, quite the contrary in fact, after all when you are less focused on what others think about you it frees up more precious time for you to work on getting to know and love the real you.

And once you are in love with yourself that love has no choice but to overflow into the rest of your life and relationships.

‘Mind your own business and let other people mind theirs.’ As long as you are being the kind, considerate and happy person you intended when you decided to be born who cares what the ‘extras’ in Your production called life think of you. After all, you really are the star so shine your light and let others shine with you or fade into your shadows.

Your life is your mission, so go forth with courage as no one else has been given your insight so don’t be shocked if they can’t understand your vision. It’s yours alone and that’s OK.

Other people base their reality on their perception and there is nothing you can do to change that. You can, however, change the way you view their opinion of you by simply not giving it any power over who you are.

The only opinion that should define you is the one you have of yourself. So think great thoughts.

Rule 3. The only Person in charge of your happiness is you

When you rely on outside situations or other people to make you happy you take away your own power and offer control of your Joy to another.

As mentioned before ‘your perception is your reality’ so whatever you believe you receive. For every person that is upset about the rain, their train being canceled and forgetting their wallet at home. There are ten others dancing in puddles, using the canceled train as an excuse to exercise as they decide to take a long walk to work while celebrating in the knowledge that their wallet is at home instead of being lost or even stolen.

What I am trying to say is that it could always be worse and that there are two sides to every coin. ‘Crap happens.’ There is no doubt about that and most of the time it is outside of your control.

However, when the inevitable occurs you are still empowered with the ‘Choice’ of whether you decide to clean it up or smear it across the doors and windows while explaining to each of your friends, colleagues, and family over and again what happened.

Just imagine how fragile you would be if you were angered or sad every time your partner or child acted out-of-order ‘in your eyes’ you could end up a nervous wreck. Don’t give away what is rightfully yours and that is your response-ability. ‘Your ability to respond.’ or simply put — Freewill!

Choose happiness over everything as it is indeed your birthright and your most important ‘Choice.’

Rule 4. Don’t compare your life to others

Comparison is truly the thief of joy. You were born to be a creator not to compete with others for things that have already been created.

Whether it’s a job, a lover, a look, a level of success or anything else for that matter leave well alone. See others as your inspiration and if you believe that someone is doing well in an area that you admire then emulate what they have done if it helps you fulfill your purpose and commend them for their achievements.

You were born as an original being, there is no one here on Earth today made like you and why? Because your world is only a projection of your thoughts and feelings, as human beings, we share the Earth, however, our experiences of our perceptions differ and these are what create our individual journeys.

There is no harm learning from your fellow beings as long as you never see yourself or them as less or more than that of yourself.

‘Have a vision for the kind of person you want to be and stay in character daily.’

Compete only with the person you were yesterday to make sure that you are always being your ‘best self’ and that’s it.

Whatever you see someone else doing or having is also available to you. There is an infinite and abundant supply of everything your heart desires. It’s your Universal right to be happy and successful and whatever you can believe you can receive.

The reason that you may not have the job, the house, the car or the lover you want is because you have not yet become the person ready to receive these things. So work on how you can become better in all areas and watch your blessings overflow.

The easiest way to be happy is to spread happiness to others. Think about how you can be of service and help another, by doing this you inevitably begin living within your purpose and ultimately uplifting mankind at the same time.

Rule 5. Time Heals Almost Everything

I would love to say that I fully agree that Time heals everything however that would not be an altogether true statement.

What I would like to suggest instead is that ‘Space & Perception’ heal almost everything. ‘Let me explain.’

The more space you put in-between something the further away it gets and the further away something is the less it can be seen or felt. Now, if you perceive something as close to you emotionally or even physically then it’s easy to focus on that object over and again no matter how much time may have passed.

For instance, if you have ever experienced the grieving of a loved one then you will know how difficult those first few days of their passing can be and that is because their memory and even physical belongings are still so close to you.

So why is it then that some people can grieve for a few weeks and continue on while others stay in grief for years afterward? It is because of the space between the loved one who passed and the present day.

It will inevitably be harder to let go of a loved one’s passing if you fill your home with their memory. Photos of them dotted around coupled with their shoes and clothing still hanging in your wardrobe. Or if your continuing to watch the same video of them every evening even though it’s sure to bring you to tears.

Time will pass but it won’t matter, the grief will be as fresh as the first day of their passing and your pain even greater.

On the other hand if you can quickly rejoice in the fact that you knew such a loved being and be thankful for the times you shared, occasionally you will watch their videos and laugh in their memory however you will know sooner than later that it’s time to give some of their belongings to a wonderful charitable cause and move on with your life.

So ‘Space Heals almost everything, not time.’ Bear that in mind as you have the power to manipulate space and use it to your advantage in all areas of your life.

Rule 6. Stop Thinking so Much

Have you heard the saying ‘It is what it is?’ or ‘What will be will be’ maybe your familiar with the age-old classic that ‘everything happens for a reason.’

Well if you hadn’t heard them before today then at least you have now.

I prefer to live by the above quotes as I believe they make my life a lot easier in coming to terms with the inevitable ‘crap’ that is almost certain to occur from time to time.

If you too want a relatively stress free journey here on Earth then I urge you to please stop over thinking every little detail or as I like to call it ‘the fluffy stuff’ and enjoy your life.

When you think too much about any situation it can rob your precious hours, leaving you indecisive and may even lead you to procrastination. If you have desires and goals that you are trying to achieve and up until now you are unsure where to begin, then my advice for you is to begin anywhere.

There is no perfect starting point whether you want to lose weight, take up a new hobby or write that novel you have put off for the past 2 years.

The secret to success is in the small steps that you take daily in the direction of your desires. Some days you will undoubtedly feel more inspired and creative than others and that’s perfectly fine as no two days are the same. However, you can not ever feel motivated if you are constantly over thinking, and Not doing.

Thoughts are wonderful things and can literally create and move mountains in your mind, but they are also capable of running wild. Once a thought is born it sends a signal to produce another and so on until momentum builds, sometimes leading you to become enthralled by the imaginary adventure.

This is fine when you are writing that novel we spoke about earlier however it’s compounding power can also be dangerous if your thoughts are not constructively focused on specific tasks that you have set for yourself, which are in alignment to being the best version of you.

So think once, confirm your thought with a firm action and ‘Go get it.’

Rule 7. Smile

Smiling is truly contagious. If you don’t believe me then I challenge you to the following:

Next time you are out for a walk or on public transport smile at a complete stranger, or better yet greet them with a nice hello. I guarantee that even if they find you at first a bit odd they will attempt to smile right back. Ask your friends and family to do the same and report back to each other the next day to discuss your findings.

Most people will want to pay it forward and smile at the next person they see and so on. Smiling is free and is said to also give you an instant facelift so it’s definitely worth a try.

When you feel sad or anxious about anything crack a smile to yourself and repeat in your mind ‘this too will pass.’

There is no situation bigger than you, unless you give away your power to it.

You are in total control of your emotions and the way you feel in every minute of the day and a simple smile is often the reminder of that.

There are so many people going through things in their mind that we will never be aware of, some even feel such despair that for them all faith in humanity has been removed. You may never know how your actions fully affect another but as an energy being please understand that there are causes and effects in all you do, say and think.

So think only good thoughts and smile as often as you can, you could literally stop someone from committing suicide if your simple smile reminded them that ‘we’re not all that bad.’ and better yet that there is still some happiness left in the World.

That may sound extreme but if it flicks a switch in your brain for the next time you see a stranger and encourages you to smile then I believe it’s well worth it.

You may not single handily be able to change the world but you can change you. Decide to be the best you can and watch while the Universe repays you with great energy, blessings, love and an abundance of joy.

And of course, don’t forget to Smile!

Please comment below if you have any more useful Life rules that have helped you to become the outstanding person you are today.

Check out my YouTube Channel HERE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCreF8-HuO5SFyKSK2MLbNdw

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Victoria Grant
The Startup

Victoria Grant is a UK born Personal Development Coach, published Author a loving mother and entrepreneur. Passionate about uplifting women worldwide.