7 Rules for Realistic To-Do Lists That Keep You Motivated

It took me 10 years to realize what I’ve been doing wrong.

Nina Greimel
The Startup


Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels

Did you ever feel frustrated and unproductive, because you didn’t complete all the tasks you wanted in a day?

Your To-Do lists grow longer and longer, even though you’re working your a** off?

It’s not your work ethic you’ve to worry about. Most probably you’re just doing To-Do lists the wrong way.

I had the same problem when I started being self-employed. Hundreds of tasks would come into my mind and I would write them down, without any realistic chance of managing them all.

I always felt lazy because I never completed the tasks I planned to. I skipped breaks and worked until 11 pm, just to be able to start with a blank sheet of paper the next day.

At some point, I decided to take a closer look at my task-planning process. I wanted to see where I was losing time and restructured my To-Do lists.

The effect was immediate! From that day on, I not only finished nearly everything I was planning but also felt more motivated and reassured too.

Here are the seven rules that helped me to improve my task-planning process. I’m sure some of them can do the trick for you too.



Nina Greimel
The Startup

I help solopreneurs build trusted brands that attract customers | PR & social agency founder | 👉 Free Branding Tips: www.solobrandeur.com