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7 Steps to Become a Paid Freelance Writer

Joscelyn Kate
The Startup
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2019


Write, get paid, stay in pjs.

1. Pitch all the time. All. The. Time.

It’s a numbers game. The more you pitch, the more work you’ll get.

I cannot overstate this. Whenever I see people posting questions online about finding work, or complaints about work drying up, my initial thought is — you’re not pitching enough. You’re not looking hard enough.

Pitch and follow up like your paycheck depends on it.

2. Stop trying to pick a niche, just get started.

If you want to niche, you can do so by industry OR expertise, or both. But it doesn’t have to be either.

You might not have enough experience or you might not know what you like. Try everything. Try it all. Learn about yourself while getting paid to write for someone else. Just get started already.

After you’ve been hired, if you find that sales pages are your glory, niche. If it’s the tech industry or the healthcare industry, go…

