7 steps to design a modern logo for your business

Abinash Neupane
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2019

A good logo delivers the core message of a business on its own. Even if they are very small, they should carry a core meaning of the business. One should spend a lot of time in designing and developing a logo because they are the most recognizable representation of any business. So, the logo should convey the main aspect of the business, but it also does not mean cramming every single thing in your logo in order to convey your message.

In this article I am going to describe all steps required in designing an awesome logo for a business. Let’s create an arbitrary business in our mind and design an awesome logo for it. For this tutorial I am going to consider a wine glass company that goes by the name Bear. So the name of our business is going to be Bear Wine Glass Industries and the main objective of this company is to manufacture wine glasses.

1. Create a story

To convey the meaning behind a logo we need to create a story describing the purpose of our business. Our business Bear Glass Company is responsible for manufacturing wine glasses. So our logo must appeal to our ideal customers. The ideal customer of our company are of course the wine users.

We have to make our logo such that our target audience find it appealing. So lets do some research into our demographics. The age group and gender of our audience must be thoroughly researched in order to boost the sales of our company.

Image Source : Stark Insider

According to research the average age of a medium spender of wine is 38 years and the most likely gender is female. This data is sufficient to derive the color preference and style of the logo .

We see that the average age is 38 years so we should steer clear of flashy colors and we should focus on simplicity of the logo.

2. Target Platform

Where are we planning to use our logo have direct effect on our logo. For example, if it was an online platform it would most likely be used in websites and mobile apps. In our case our logo will be mostly used in packaging of the wine glasses. So we should focus on making it such that it will be visually appealing in the glass packages.

Image source : Green Communities Canada

But in most cases keeping your logo clean will help you ensure it looks great everywhere.

However in our case we should focus more on the packaging boxes and should choose the color palette accordingly.

3. Type of logo.

There are mainly three types of logo you can design

a. Word Logo

b. Icon Logo

c. Combinational Logo

Based on the target audience of our business we should pick one of these format for our logo. For our target audience it would be hard for them to recognize our product if its just the words in the logo. And if its just the icon then our audience would find it difficult to know that it’s the brand they are looking for. So we have to go with the combinational logo type.

4. Designing a logo

Now we have our color preferences and the style of the logo, its time to brainstorm the idea for the logo. Most important thing to note while designing the logo is that it should be recognizable in any resolution or size. So lets keep things super simple and minimal.

Since our business name is Bear Wine Glass company two main aspect of the logo should be bear and glass. Lets draw some sketch based on this idea.

After few drawings we have found a way to incorporate both bear and glass in our logo as you can see in the sketches above. Lets create a vector file based on the sketch we have drawn.

5. Get color and font.

Since we are not going for something flashy we have to go for low saturation colors here. Also we have to keep the color of both glass and bear in mind in order to make it look real.

Below are the choices for the color of bear

Below are the choices for the color of a wine glass

Now lets find a color palette that suits the color of both glass and bear.

6. Colorize your vector drawing.

Now that we have found the color of our choice, its time to apply them in our vector drawing. After the application of these color it looks something like this.

Its looking awesome but not that much. Lets fine tune the color a little bit and see what it looks like.

Now that’s a good logo.

7. Testing

We have our logo ready, its time to test it in our targeted platform. Our targeted platform for this logo is the packaging of wine glasses. So lets create a mockup of our logo in one of these.

Now that’s a great looking package.

Final Thoughts

If done correctly logo designing process is a long tedious task and it often involves a great deal of work and creative effort. The final logo of our product looks incredibly simple but it looks good on our main target platform and that is the ultimate goal.

I hope that this article gave your understanding on how some logos look the way they do and the how they are conveying their meaning through a simple image. If you have that understanding already then you are already looking the world like a true designer.

If you are looking for any kind of logo design service then I would be more than happy to do it for you.

