7 Steps to Being Happier in 2020

Powerful tools for cultivating positive energy and joy

Rachael Hope
The Startup


Photo by Justin Young on Unsplash

Ican’t remember when I first heard people talk about living authentically and with intention. I remember that I didn’t like it, though it took me a while to figure out why. When people spoke about intention and positive energy, I felt in implied that we have more control over life than we can actually claim to have.

We can’t control what the world gives us. We can, however, control our experience of it.

As I’ve explored these concepts, some interpretations still don’t sit well with me. I don’t believe that putting out positive energy, ala The Secret, will manifest all sorts of positive events in my life. The reality is that everything does not happen for a reason, and in recognizing that, we can begin recognizing where our real power lies. We can’t control what the world gives us. We can, however, control our experience of it.

Focusing solely on having control of everything that happens to us is a path to failure. It’s impossible. No one is happy all the time. I’m certainly not! I’m sad sometimes. I still have gloomy days, anxious days, and bad moods. The seasons change and I struggle, especially in the darkness of winter. Sometimes an interaction doesn’t sit…



Rachael Hope
The Startup

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.