Growing Your Audience

7 Strategies To Grow Your Online Audience

Ryan Fahey
The Startup


Photo by Phil Coffman on Unsplash

“If you think you are a leader, turn around and take a look back. If no one is following you, you are probably not a leader…yet.”

There are only two things you really need to start building an online audience. They are:

1. A name

2. A group of people willing to follow

If you are reading this, you already have one of those things.

Although there are tons of strategies floating around the internet, I want to narrow in on strategies that I have used to double my audience in less than four months.

In the spirit of either generating your first audience member or in furthering your contact empire, here are seven proven strategies I used to grow my audience online.

1. Show Empathy

The best way to draw people to you and your brand is through empathy. At a time where listening, attention, and empathy are real assets, using consistent levels of empathy goes a long way. People are magnetic. If you relate to them, they will be attracted to you. If you show you don’t genuinely care about them, they will bypass you altogether.



Ryan Fahey
The Startup

Amazon Best-Selling Author | Consultant | Speaker | X: @Wellnessrf | Latest book —