7 Things I Want Any New Engineer On My Team To Know

A message from an Engineering Manager to an Engineering Newbie for their first day on a new team

Kevin Wanke
The Startup


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Do you remember Jurassic Park? The classic movie that launched dinosaurs into the forefront of our social consciousness. If so, do you recall that scene from the original Jurassic Park where the programmer, Dennis Nedry, is at a table with Dodgson planning some lighthearted cryogenic corporate espionage and Dodgson wants Dennis to keep his voice down? This scene has spawned countless memes all across the internet with the infamous catchphrase at the end: “See? Nobody Cares”.

On the surface Dennis is trying to prove a point to Dodgson that while sitting at an outdoor restaurant full of locals and tourists nobody else is interested in their conversation even though they are discussing some nefarious actions. Did you know that Dennis actually does this because he is recording the conversation to cover his rear end in case the corporate espionage goes south?

This meme popped into my head while thinking about onboarding new people onto an existing Engineering team. After the whole ordeal of interviews and offer letters and paperwork we get to the end result and all of a sudden there is a new person hanging out around the office. There is now a fresh…



Kevin Wanke
The Startup

Engineer. Manager. Dadmin. Wanna-be Writer. Editor-In-Chief & Grand Poobah of www.kevinwanke.com