7 Tips on how to succeed as a Graduate Software Engineer.

Lindsay Jopson
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJan 14, 2020


Image by ijmaki from Pixabay

Applying for a Graduate Software Engineer position is a competitive game. How do you ensure you stand out amongst the sea of CVs, survive the interview and get the most out of the role once you’re in it?

After being involved in the hiring process for several years, I have observed the characteristics and patterns that lead to Graduate Software Engineers getting the job and flourishing/thriving/excelling within those roles. These are my top 7 tips for those entering the field.

1. Stand out — job application

First things first you need to get yourself in the door for an interview.

The tech market is pretty saturated. On average, hundreds will typically apply for Graduate roles. Most people have similar qualification and may all be coming into the market en masse. This means for you to land a role in a company with a limited intake, you may need to stand out a little bit:

Cover letter

This is your first interaction with the company. Be yourself, speak honestly and with passion. Speak to any university projects that may correlate to the job you foresee doing in that company. Research the company so you can speak to why you are interested in the company as a whole and how you are looking forward to…

