7 Tough Realities That Pushed Me To Quit My 9–5 At 25

I hope to never return.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Startup


Image by the author

When I quit my job last year at 25, it wasn’t one moment of epiphany where I decided to lose it all.

That makes a great story, but a stupid reality.

Here are some thoughts that came in before that for months and months. They motivated me to side hustle, work hard, and only once did I feel ‘settled’ — then quit my job.

These could be things you probably feel sometimes but just aren’t aware of yet.

1. True Wealth > Income

I’ve always wanted to be rich… but doesn’t everybody?

How easy would life be if we just get what we want by wanting it and doing nothing in return?

As I researched, I realised I won’t be able to become wealthy with what my career trajectory looked like. In a developing country, unless you’re an engineer, it takes decades to earn well.

So I definitely had to let go of income to create wealth.

“Earn with your mind, not your time.” — Naval Ravikant

2. The Time Advantage

Adding to the previous point, it would’ve taken me ages to earn well and for my investments to pay off.

