7 Ways High-Growth Brands Remove Friction In Their Marketing Funnels

Get smarter at removing friction to convert more leads.

Jano le Roux
The Startup


Different brand featured in different ways they remove marketing funnel friction. Some of the brands include Apple, Curology, Linktree, Warby Parker, and Typeform.

They say all polishing is done by friction.

I say:

  • Good friction can build a business.
  • Bad friction can destroy a business.

Especially if that friction is in the wrong place — the marketing funnel.

Let’s get smarter at cutting bad friction.

Make it easier to find stuff

Apple’s effortless iPhone and Mac product lineup bars.

Nobody likes to struggle.

  • Not you
  • Not your customer

Nobody buys a product they can’t find.

Make it easier for your customer to find what they’re looking for.

When people talk about Apple, I nearly always hear the same words:

  • Clean
  • Seamless
  • Effortless

This is not by accident.

Apple is the master of tidying up.



Jano le Roux
The Startup

An award-winning marketing consultant who helps high-growth brands craft marketing that doesn’t feel like marketing. Open for work—jano@likeflare.com—Join me ⤵️