7 Ways You’re Blocking Your Progress Without Realizing (And How to Fix It)

These Tiny Acts Had Me in a Chokehold

Kurtis Pykes
The Startup


Image created by author using Midjourney

Progress is better than perfection.

You’re better off focusing on smaller achievements than obsessing over the end goal while not getting nearer.

This means you’ve gotta be relentless about learning, growing, evolving, and improving daily.

Even if you’re doing this already, there are ways you can hinder yourself without realizing it.

These tiny acts had me in a chokehold for so long.

I was doing all of the self-improvement work, but I was drained…

Everything was happening slower than expected, and that’s only because I was getting in my own way.

As the popular adage goes, “You are your biggest obstacle, but you are also the change that you seek.

To change your outcomes, change yourself.

Do this by realizing how you’re currently hindering your progress and making corrections.

That said…

Here’s 7 common ways people block their development without realizing it:

1. Unhealthy consumption before bed



Kurtis Pykes
The Startup

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for high-ticket B2B service founders. https://www.thesocialceoblueprint.com/