8 Behaviors to Avoid When Searching for a Job

Keeping our sanity in check is more important now than ever

Alberto Romero
The Startup


The pandemic has affected the professional life of many people around the world. Some have managed to work from home but others have seen their lives turned upside-down without warning.

Companies have made huge cut-offs that have affected millions. In the US alone 10 million people haven’t yet recovered their jobs, since the beginning of the pandemic.

I’m one of those unlucky ones that have seen a previously calm life transformed by the need for a new job. I was fired at the end of October 2020.

Working in the field of artificial intelligence I hoped the pandemic wouldn’t affect me, but it did.

Unexplored times must be approached with new mentalities. We have to learn to navigate these unprecedented circumstances. Without a job, a big part of it is learning to withstand the tough process of looking for one. More so when many others are doing the same thing.

Sometimes, when looking for a job we engage in behaviors that may hinder the process. I’ll talk here about those behaviors we must avoid to keep our sanity at the highest levels possible.

