8 Easy Things You Did Not Know Your Brain Needs

It’s not: sleep, meditation, and exercise.

Stella Fidem
The Startup


It’s not easy to love or appreciate what can’t be seen.

I doubt the answer to What’s your most flattering body part?or What do you find most attractive in another person?is ever “The wrinkly oddly looking organ inside their heads.”

But it should be.

If we all cared for our brains the way we do with our hair, waistline, or skin, the world would be a much better place.

Your brain is freaking sexy and absolutely amazing, and it’s time you start taking better care of it; it’s reasonably easy.

Here are some everyday tips you might not realize are under your fingertips:

A decluttered space

Cluttered space = cluttered brain.
Is this a myth? Not if you believe in experimental science.

There are many neurological reasons why being in a messy space can affect your mental wellbeing. This is what happens to your brain when your environment is cluttered.

  • Stimulus overload.
    In an earlier article, I explained how proper focus comes from limited stimuli from the environment. Excess stimulation of unnecessary senses (visual, olfactory…



Stella Fidem
The Startup

Neuroscience PhD | Exposing the secrets of the human brain | At the intersection of Creativity & Science ❤ | Founder of BePeers.com | Editor of BrainChronicles