
8 Online Writing Tools I Can No Longer Live Without

The articles practically write themselves.

Lauren Hall
The Startup
Published in
10 min readApr 14, 2022


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

I’ve been writing for a long time.

I’ve been writing since MySpace was Facebook. I’ve been writing since the days that computer monitors still looked like big, clunky boxes. I’ve been writing since flip phones were the peak of technology.

For most of that time, my writing all came from me. It still does, don’t get me wrong, but now I have a little help for the little things that I always sucked at. Little things like grammar and how to correctly capitalize my titles and how to finish a particular colloquialism that conveniently fell out of my brain.

Maybe you haven’t heard, but there’s a whole schwack of tools available online these days that go way beyond a thesaurus and stylebook.

These are tools I am no longer willing to write without; tools that make it easier to say what I mean to say and publish with confidence. These tools can make your writing experience so much more enjoyable, allowing you to focus on the best parts and to leave the doldrums to a program that’s likely a lot smarter than you.

Let me show you.

#1 — AnswerThePublic

