8 Personality Traits Of Successful Writers (That Can Put You in Top 1%)

And this is all you will (ever) need to be.

Lipika Sahu
The Startup


Image: Pixabay

When I started writing, I never knew that it would reveal more about me than I would about the craft, unwrapping inner traits that I never knew existed.

Good writing isn’t only about putting words on paper; it’s also about growing as a person.

When you internalize the process, you recognize that becoming a good writer is less about writing and more about developing these personality traits.

Doing it again, and again, and again.

Two years earlier, instead of writing, if I had started quilling, I am sure I would have made a living out of that, too. I had to do what I did with writing—show up.

Because if you strip down success to the bones, there will be one thing:
Showing up. Daily. Every single day.

Especially on the days when things are not going one’s way; those days matter the most. This is a trait without which the tower of success tumbles like a heap of mismatched clothes in an overstuffed cupboard.

Sprinkle ‘Me’ good.

Writing is best relished when it doesn’t sound…

