“Did she download it too? Why? Was it because of the billboard? The print ad? Word of mouth? Source: Author

8 Reasons Why Your Ad Attribution Approach Is Wrong

The problem with the Organic Ratio and how to track the impact of untrackable users instead

Tomas Pueyo
The Startup
Published in
16 min readNov 5, 2019


This article breaks down all the shortcomings of Organic Ratios when analyzing the performance of digital advertising campaigns, and then describes two step-by-step ways to solve the problems.

A spectre is haunting the ad spend world — the spectre of the Organic Ratio. But the powers in charge of ad spend attribution are oblivious to its dangers. It’s time we exorcise it from digital advertising departments and media agencies, from the brains of marketing VPs and ad campaign managers.

If your company is a heavy spender of digital ads, you might know what I’m talking about. Every day, thousands of companies spend billions of dollars without knowing their impact! They think they do. Somewhat. But they have no idea. You wouldn’t believe the horror stories I’ve seen.

One company I know lost tens of millions of dollars buying ad impressions they thought made them money, but didn’t.

Another company spent so freely that it burned all the money from its investors and had to fold.

Yet another one didn’t realize its ad spend was making a hefty profit, so it ended up closing a business unit…



Tomas Pueyo
The Startup

2 MSc in Engineering. Stanford MBA. Ex-Consultant. Creator of applications with >20M users. Currently leading a billion-dollar business @ Course Hero