8 Simple Principles That Helped Me Grow a Highly Profitable Online Business Without Ads

Forget “business as usual” and embrace the freedom you have.

Sinem Günel
The Startup
Published in
8 min readSep 7, 2021


Photo by Oratto Oficial from Pexels

I hate how most self-proclaimed business gurus claim how simple building a digital business and making money online is. Yet, when I look back at my journey, it’s never been the complex strategies that led to significant results. It’s really been the simple practices.

I won’t deny the sleepless nights and numerous mental breakdowns I went through when nothing seemed to work out. But if I’m 100% honest, the actual results in my business came from doing the simple things — over and over and over again.

It wasn’t weird growth hacks or thousands of dollars of advertising costs. It’s been genuine relationships, delivering value, giving before I asked to take.

Following these (and a few more) rules helped me go from zero to multiple 6-figure profits in less than two years.

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”

— Jim Rohn

I ditched unsolicited advice.



Sinem Günel
The Startup

I help you create a business and life you love. ⚡ Start here: https://mwa.ck.page/5day