8 Tiny Things You Can Do To Immediately Improve Your Life In Less Than 3 Minutes

Sah Kilic
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2018


1 – Pick up your To-Do list and put a ‘complete by’ time/date on each item. How many times have you finished the day with several tasks left on your ever growing To-Do list. This will shift the ambiguity of a task and turn it into a schedule with a deadline and man does it work.

2 – Clear the junk off of your desk and your desktop. We’re visual creatures and we all need to understand that physical/digital mess will most certainly cause a great deal of mental mess. Even if you’re OK with not being tidy, give it a try. You may be surprised.

3 – Take a break to do a 3 minute breathing exercise. Set a timer for 3 minutes, close your eyes, breathe in through you nose and out through your mouth. Focus on things like — the movement of your chest/stomach with each breath, the contact you feel between your body and where you’re sitting, the sounds/smells around you. Also great in the morning or midday as a small reset to your mind.

4 – Delete all content applications that have desktop alternatives, from your phone. I’m talking Facebook, Linked In, Twitter etc. Have a designated time where you check these using your desktop/laptop, rather than having those instant dopamine-inducing happiness vampires with you at all times, draining you of productivity and life… This…



Sah Kilic
The Startup

I talk so much I figured I should write some of it down. Join me here: http://sah.substack.com 💪