9 Lunch Break Routines That Boost Productivity

Alice Berg
The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2019

You may prefer to have packed lunch at your desk, eat at the cafeteria with work colleagues, or go for a walk while munching on something. Or maybe you never take a lunch break at your job. Everyone has their unique routine for that time you get to break in the middle of your day. New studies prove that about 52% of American employees take around 30 minutes or less away from work for lunch. It is a fact that taking breaks at work increases productivity.

Now, there are many benefits to taking a lunch break, and by tweaking routine, you can become more productive and successful. We’ll tell you how to make your breaks worthwhile and which foods you should be eating to keep your productivity levels up.

1. Move About After You Take Lunch

If your job entails sitting down a lot- basically all kinds of desk job- taking breaks at work to move around is a great idea. Sitting too much makes you sedentary, which can have a lot of health risks in the long term. Sitting has actually been likened to smoking. If you have a 60-minute lunch break, you can use 20–30 minutes to eat and the rest of the time to take a walk or ride a bike. This way, you can rest your mind, boost your energy, and spark your creativity.

2. Use Your Lunch Break to Read a Book or Listen to Podcast

Reading is a proven way to grow and develop your mind. And there’s no better time to catch on your reading than during lunch. Take 30 minutes or so out of your lunch break to grab a book. You can also listen to your favorite podcast or download an eBook. Doing one of these activities helps to refocus your mind and keep you at optimal productivity when you return to work. Find a great spot and read while you eat or after your meal.

3. Take a Break at Work by Stepping Outside to Enjoy the Sun

If your job involves sitting at your work post, for the most part, it would be helpful and healthy for you if you stepped outside during lunch. Enjoy some fresh air and feel the sun on your skin. Going outside not only helps you absorb vitamin D, but also reduces stress, alleviates depression, boosts sleep, and increases energy levels. If there’s a park nearby which has plants or grass, you can as well go and enjoy it while you rest your mind.

4. Do a Creative Activity During Your Lunch Time

You can also decide to use your break to engage in something creative outside of your job. After eating, you can brainstorm and seek out new ideas. You can then use this inspiration to sketch or create something. You design something for your home or even do a DIY project for personal gain. You can also write down work-related ideas that come to you at this time.

5. Take a Nap During Your Lunch Break

After working for several hours straight since morning, it would help to nap for 30 minutes or so. Studies have shown that a person’s productivity decreases as the day progresses. Sleeping for a couple of minutes in the middle of your day can help combat fatigue and make you more alert in the afternoon. These quality breaks will rejuvenate your mind as well as boost your creativity.

6. Run Personal Errands on Your Break

Lunch time provides an excellent opportunity to run personal errands too. If you are not for napping during your lunch, keep yourself busy by doing things that benefit your personal life. It could be picking up your clothes from the dry cleaners, shopping household goods, mailing a package, etc. By taking care of these errands in the middle of your day, you will have more free time after work to rest and bond with your family. And it will help maintain a healthy work-life balance.

7. Enjoy Your Break by Catching Up with Your Buddies

Lunch breaks are also an excellent time to socialize with your friends or colleagues, especially if you’re always busy with work. You can call up an old friend you haven’t seen in for some time to meet up for lunch. Nurturing friendships helps you improve your physical and mental wellbeing. If you build a tight social support system, you will be happier and less prone to depression.

8. Do Lunch Break Workouts to Increase Your Energy

Exercising carries a lot of benefits for your overall health. And the hour you get for lunch is a great time to take a walk, go to the gym, or do yoga. To find the motivation to exercise regularly, look for workouts that you enjoy doing. You can also experiment with different activities to identify those that please you.

9. Take a Lunch Break to Reflect and Organize Yourself

If you still want to get some work done during your lunch hour, you can use this time to organize yourself. Get off the computer and plan yourself. Think of the tasks you plan to complete in detail and create a to-do list prioritizing them. It will improve your efficiency in your job.

What Should I Have for Lunch to Be More Productive at Work?

To become more productive, you have to do more than use your time wisely. You need to eat energy-boosting lunches too. Here are some suggestions for foods that boost the brain’s performance:

  • Bananas: provides energy for the brain
  • Dark chocolate: enhances memory and learning
  • Carrots: raw carrots stabilize blood sugar and help the brain to perform well
  • Blueberries: helps brain cells communicate better
  • Fish: boost brain memory and other mental capabilities
  • Avocados: boosts cognitive functions and performance
  • Eggs: also improves memory
  • Whole grains: helps with cognitive wellbeing

To conclude, don’t sit on behind your computer on your lunch break. If you want to improve your wellbeing and be productive in your work, eat the right foods, and use this period more wisely. These simple tweaks will have you feeling more energized in the second half of your day.



Alice Berg
The Startup

Blogger from Bath, who received a degree in Social Work and Applied Social Studies. Now helps people to find their own way in life and gives career advice.