9 Ways To Manage Your Time More Efficiently

Sinem Günel
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMar 16, 2019


Managing their time well and efficiently is one of the most crucial things for many people nowadays.

Even though a lot of people might not even be aware of it, we all are practicing and following our own time management habits throughout time.

Time itself is actually the most valuable resource that we have because it is the only thing that we never get back.

However, at the same time, it is an extremely fairly distributed resource because everyone has 24 hours per day.

While some people complain about not having any time because of a full-time job, others manage to have a full-time job, do regular sports, build a side-hustle and regularly self-educate themselves.

We all have the time we just need to manage it properly.

1.) Stop multitasking

There is basically no multitasking. We can not do two things simultaneously.

What we consider as multitasking is actually our brain jumping in between different tasks.

As you can imagine this is extremely exhausting and leads to less productivity.

You will actually never get more done through multitasking.



Sinem Günel
The Startup

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