90% of Webinars Feel Icky to Me

Here’s another way to make money from online courses without wasting people’s time

Scott Stockdale
The Startup


woman sat in front of her laptop
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

I get it. Webinars are the sh*t.

They let hosts connect with fans, and they have a higher conversion than most sales funnels. FOMO is here to stay.

When they’re done well, I have no qualms. Many entrepreneurs deliver genuine value through webinars. Here’s my gripe, though:

90% of the ones I attend teach f*ck all.

One I went to last month is a prime example. I turned up, notepad in hand, along with hundreds of others.

It quickly became clear the ‘free webinar’ was a pitch for their paid membership. I ducked out after twenty minutes. It’s only because the host emailed a replay of the webinar that I was able to pick it apart.

They dragged out their story for thirty minutes, rambled on for ten, and pitched in the remaining twenty.


The worse thing is, I like this entrepreneur! I’ve followed them for years and enjoy their work.

I’d be lying if I said their webinar hadn’t put me off.

But here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be like this. I’ve been able to make over $1,300 from four online courses…

