Are you a new writer?

99% Chances Are That You Are Committing These 7 Mistakes As a Beginner Writer

And what to do to switch over to the remaining 1%

Lipika Sahu
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMar 24, 2023


Photo by Anna Tarazevich:

And don’t sweat it out already because we all make them— mistakes.

Having done numerous consulting sessions, I have noticed these common traits that beginner writers do that hamper their writing career. And frankly, they are not to be blamed.

With an impressionable mind like a child, they enter this vast arena of the content creation world, fascinated by the fame and success of many. And like a delightful fuzzy pup, lap up everything doing the rounds.

Trust me; I feel you because it’s difficult — to know what’s best for you.

So, let me jot down that list for you to check if you, too, are guilty as charged and make a move quickly.

1. Sailing with hands & feet on different boats?

Ouch! It might hurt you where it hurts the most…you-know-where.

Are you creating platforms on too many social platforms simultaneously?

You should go back to your war room and rethink your strategy. Please understand this:

