A Five Minute Overview of Amazon SimpleDB
Sometimes we are working on a project where we need a data store, but the complexities of Relational Database Service (RDS), DynamoDB, DocumentDB, et al are more than what is needed. This is where Amazon SimpleDB becomes a valuable resource.
SimpleDB is a NoSQL database. NoSQL databases are not new, having been around since the 1960s. The term NoSQL can have several different meanings from non-SQL, referring to the lack of relation support in the database, to Not only SQL meaning the database may support Structured Query Language (SQL) Wikipedia.
AWS has a number of databases to meet the needs of your project. If you look in the AWS Management Console, the Database section lists:
- Relational Database Service
- DynamoDB
- ElastiCache
- Neptune
- Amazon QLDB
- Amazon DocumentDB
- Amazon Keyspaces
- Amazon TimeStream
Did you notice SimpleDB is missing from the list? This is because there is no interface to SimpleDB through the console. SimpleDB tables, which are called domains, are created programmatically using the CLI, SDK, or web services requests and all operations are performed through those interfaces.