A Gentle Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

A Data Scientist’s Perspective

Hamilton Chang
The Startup


Let’s talk about some of the trends we’re seeing as Data Science plays a larger role in everyone’s day to day lives. Now more than any other time in human history has computing power reached the stage to match the sheer volume of data that has been collected with the rise of the Computer Age. With the help of complex algorithms, some barely 20 years old, we have the ability to analyze and derive insights from this data that not only helps large companies make strategic decisions, but can also help the average citizen in picking out a movie they like. But, this rise in prevalence comes also with those who see fit to warn people to stay away from new trends as dangerous.

We frequently see warnings about how AI and Machine Learning are going to take over your jobs, that your lives will be guided by machines, or that one day, they’re going to take over the world. Frequently, these comments go alongside, or invoke images of the Terminator or the Matrix.

First off, this is ridiculous, while we may be on the verge of putting together human-skeleton shaped machines, we are still being held back by the lack of a power storage solution or power source small and efficient enough to make killer robots. Second, the human body in no way generates enough electricity to be useful as an efficient power source, even if we do string together a billion of them. So obviously we can put these fears to rest!



Hamilton Chang
The Startup

Data Scientist, Financial Planner. Trying to educate and make information accessible to EVERYONE. Let’s Connect! shorturl.at/aBGY5