A gloomy future under the dictates of bitcoin

IZX Project
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2018

An amusing letter of a time traveler under the name Luka_Magnotta walks along the net, describing an almost apocalyptic picture of the world subordinated to the power of bitcoin. The letter was published in 2013 on the Reddit news site and no one paid any attention to it until the forecast for the cost of bitcoin — 10,000 dollars in 2017 appeared.

Luka talks about the near future in 2025, where bitcoin costs more than $ 1,000,000, and since 2017 has been increasing its cost by 10 times every year. After that, the dollar and other fiat currencies will lose their meaning. In the world of the future there are two basic values: land and crypto-currency. All this will lead to a critical social stratification: people will be divided into “early” — those who managed to buy bitcoin in due time, and all the others. “The early” will surround themselves with their own infrastructure and live in Citadels, protected cities or neighborhoods where mining cars and other benefits of the advanced world are located. All services inside the citadels will be robotic. Virtually all states will lose their importance due to the inability to collect taxes from owners of crypto-currencies. Of course, there are also outright weird things, like dominant countries-holders of bitcoin are Saudi Arabia and North (!) Korea. In the latter, by the way, there is no Internet at all. There is also a story about Africans, whose governments gave out all mobile phones, so that the latter could have crypto-currency wallets, and the evil Russian hackers hacked them and stole 60% of the funds.

The horrors of the deflationary economy are frightening, but also do not forget that there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Capitalization bitcoin is still below the capitalization of Apple, which makes this crypto-currency so volatile. As the mastodon begins to gain weight, it will become more stable economically, and dozens of uncles with tens of millions of dollars can not so effectively pomp and dump it. Let’s take a look at the situation from the side and see what is behind bitcoin. Naked blockchain and a huge adoration of the crypto-community. That’s all. The next step is likely to be the popularization and development of industry-specific crypto-currencies, laced with sophisticated smart contracts transportcoin, funcoin, foodcoin, and whatever. The role of the crypto-currency for retail and advertising may well be assumed by IZX https://izx.io/.

Very soon, Instagram or Youtube will be able to give you crypto-currency credit, and you will be tokenized and quoted on the exchange of personal tokens. Tell me, what will people do in the era of the blockchain? Most likely, there will be a basic unconditional income so that people do not arrange protests and hungry riots.

Buddy bitcoin is doing well, the blockchain will blossom with different colors and flags, which in time will inevitably reduce the role of bitcoin when more flexible and progressive instruments develop. We are still at the very beginning of the journey. Ave Crypto!

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