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A guide on how to wait for success

How learning to wait helps us achieve our new year’s resolutions

Fabio Floyesa
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 18, 2020


Our lives are built around our expectations from the future. We have these goals in mind, dreams that keep pushing us to our limits. We are at the beginning of a new year and many people take this as an initiative to work towards their goals. These resolutions became a kind of trend. But most fail.

According to US News and World Report, around 80% of people fail at their resolution for the new year. In my eyes, this statistic isn’t due to the lack of self-discipline of the general population, but more due to their inability to wait properly.

Waiting and boredom are things of the past. We live in a century of fast internet, fast deliveries and fast entertainment. In the past, you had to go to the movie theater if you wanted to watch the latest movies. If you wanted to eat something fancy, you had to go down to the local restaurant. The only way of ordering clothes involved skimming through catalogs, filling out a postcard and waiting for weeks until your ordered item arrived. This involved time. This involved waiting. And this was a huge inconvenience. Nowadays, everything has become faster. You can watch movies instantly on your laptop or even phone, wherever you want. You can order pizza via an app and have the pizza right at…



Fabio Floyesa
The Startup

Rhizomatic Stratoanalyst. Daily essays. Aspiring bull fighter