A Guide to Automating Your Stock Analysis With Python

Wake up in the morning to an email of your top stocks. Here’s everything you need to conduct personalized and daily hands-off stock analysis.

Cameron Shadmehry
Hands-Off Investing


Warren Buffet once advised investors to be “fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” Today, according to fund manager Guy De Blonay, eighty percent of daily moves in the U.S. are done by machines (CNBC). Investors rarely face human competition anymore, therefore cannot benefit from the extortion of another’s fear or greed. Luckily, the market is a see-saw. It’s our job to be fearful or greedy, but we need pure logic to help us decide how to feel. When we leverage what our computers were built to do, it allows us to lean into our one asset that cannot be replaced: humanity.

Another CNBC article reinforces the same idea: “It’s no secret that machines are taking up a bigger and bigger share of investing, but the extent of their influence is approaching shocking proportions.”

Below, I have outlined a coding process to completely automate daily algorithmic-based analysis and deliver the day’s top-10 highest and lowest stock options right to your inbox. Automating this analysis process allows lone investors more time to reason through sentiment…

