A Humble Defense of the 9–5 Lifestyle

How maintaining a 9–5 job could benefit you both professionally and financially.

A.J. Deveaux
The Startup


The 9–5 way of life has not been given a good rap as of recently.

Every day across Instagram, we are told that 9–5 living is death to our soul, that if we willfully accept such an existence that we have somehow failed to reach our full potential.

The allure towards this type of perspective isn’t entirely our fault however, as it is something that has been ingrained in us from an early age.

Every year, as springtime passes and summer leans forward, millions of college graduates will be administered the same form of gospel that has routinely been proselytized to them by millionaires and self-help gurus alike:

  • Follow your passion
  • Find your dream job and you’ll never work a day in your life
  • Never settle for less than you deserve

While such aphorisms sound ostensibly modest — if not encouraging on paper, they do in fact run the risk of setting up millions of hardworking people for disappointment.

Despite its bad rap in recent years, a 9–5 living does in fact offer a substantial amount of perks in terms of financial benefits and personal growth. Here…



A.J. Deveaux
The Startup

Freelance writer, college student, professional overthinker. I strive to craft stories that are thought provoking and meaningful. B.A. Psychology (halfway done)