A Marketer’s Complete Guide to AI

Where AI shows promise across the marketing funnel and where there’s still progress to be made.

Leila Nazari
The Startup


Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

If you search “AI is…” into Google, you end up with sayings from brilliant people like this:

AI is the new electricity. — Andrew Ng, Coursera Cofounder

AI is more important than fire and electricity. — Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google

AI is like teenage sex, Everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it.” — Dan Ariel, Duke Professor.

Sex, fire, and electricity. Oh my!

While it’s still early days, AI has proven to be more than just a fantasy. According to Adobe’s latest Digital Intelligence Briefing, top-performing companies are twice as likely to leverage AI technologies in their marketing than non-top-performers.

Let’s put aside the analogies for AI for a moment and talk about what AI is, without the added rocket fuel. According to MIT Technology Review, AI, or Artificial…



Leila Nazari
The Startup

Currently Head of Enterprise @ Ahrefs | B2B advisor to startups www.leilanazari.com | Travel writer www.instagram.com/lilzari/