A Minimalist Phone That Will Make You Smarter

Dan Silvestre
The Startup
Published in
6 min readOct 8, 2018


Not so long ago we all carried a minimalist phone. They served for calls and text and maybe a few minutes of Snake here and there.

But in 2007, everything changed…

Steve Jobs unveiled the future: the iPhone 3 marked the beginning of the mobile revolution, the era of the apps and streaming.

Prepending smart before “phone” in the process, our devices are a constant source of amusement and distraction. We now spend more than 3 hours per day using our phones, a staggering 90 hours per month!

Wouldn’t you like to get 90 hours of your time back every month? I sure would!

And so we must dumb-down our phone. Make it less interesting. Less appealing. Revert the years to when phones were tools for communication, rather than time and soul-sucking devices.

And that’s exactly the goal of the minimalist phone setup. To craft a better relationship with your phone. To be in control and stop living in a reactive mode.

Getting your time, and life, back.

The Minimalist Phone Setup

The minimalist phone setup changes three paradigms of how you interact with your phone:

  1. Your phone is a tool that helps you get things done rather than distract…



Dan Silvestre
The Startup

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Join 20k+ readers: newsletter.dansilvestre.com