A Modern Web Development Workflow Explained

How to Deploy Websites in 2021

Przemyslaw Jarzynski
The Startup


Modern Web Development Workflow — Image by the author

One of the things that modern web developers need to understand first is a web development workflow. In this article, I will explain how web developers these days get the code from their local machines and deploy it to the live servers where internet users can access their website or a web application in their web browser.

Everything starts on a local machine

When web developers start working on the website or a web application this typically starts on their local computers. The code is typically split into two main parts — frontend and backend.

The frontend is something that developers call HTML, CSS, Javascript and everything else that is sent to the user opening the website and interpreted by the web browser.

The backend is everything that happens on the server-side and all the scripts that run there. These scripts are usually written in PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, Java and .Net. Quite often, we also have a database on the backend that stores information like registered users details, the content of the articles on the website or products for an online store. Most commonly used databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL as well as Microsoft SQL.

Git tracks changes in the…



Przemyslaw Jarzynski
The Startup

20+ years in Web Development | Senior Web Dev in leading cloud-computing company for the life sciences with HQ in California. YouTube: pjwebdev.com/youtube