A Networking Guide for Awkward Humans

Dasani Madipalli
The Startup
Published in
5 min readFeb 11, 2021


So you’ve probably heard — if you want that job, or that promotion or anything else under the sun, you have to network! But what if you suck at first impressions, are perpetually awkward and can’t small talk to save your life?

Well, this is the article for you! I don’t make great first impressions — especially in group settings/conferences. If you talk to me after my 2 hour social battery is drained out I’m a total “awko taco” and you probably won’t understand what I’m saying.

I used to think that I was hopeless and that I’d never be the most charming person in the room and I’ll never successfully be able to get through that elevator pitch. I was right to a certain extent — I don’t think I ever will be very charismatic and I suck at elevator pitches, but I’m far from hopeless. I met cool people, made friends all over the world and do a decent job of getting to know people (aka networking).

So how do you network if you’re bad at making first impressions and standing out in a crowd? Here’s what I’ve found to help:

Network in your comfort zone!

Suppose talking to a bunch of strangers in a group setting freaks you out-you’re probably not going to do your best networking there. Instead, figure out where you do have good conversations.



Dasani Madipalli
The Startup

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