A new way to do a crypto price comparison

The Startup
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2019

The way we compare things always revolved around one of the 2 things being a constant or a stable asset over a period of time.

In crypto, it's the USD or USDT or any of the various forms of USD and time being the duration defined by the user. It can be days or weeks or months.

Additionally, when comparing the change in the price of a coin you hold, you normally don't care for the change in the market.

And that where I hope to make a change? You see a few weeks ago I had purchased a few BNB token at $ 9ish and it fell to around $4ish in few days following it. That not the problem as I know its a bear market and this is part of the market cycle.

Strangely the question I had was,

  • What if I didn't buy BNB and bought ETH instead or EOS at that time.
  • How much have the other coin fallen compared by my purchase from the same time?
BNB fell 39.26% VS EOS which fell 57.86% during the same 70 Days

As you can see in the chart below BNB fell 39.26% VS EOS which fell 57.86% during the same 70 Days. This info was useful in many ways.


  • I knew that BNB was far more resilient than EOS during the same time & I lost less instead if I had invested in EOS.
  • I now know that EOS is cheap relative to BNB as I can get more EOS using my present BNB worth than 70 days before.
  • Normally the coin at fall fast, rise fast due to high volatility and oversold condition, it's not always the case and depends on the fundamental of the coin too.

So I thought of making Cryptohodl, the assumable first correlative price comparing tool for crypto.

The User enters the name of the coin and price of purchase or what they want to compare and that it as shown in the Green box.

The header section were user enter the input

The yellow box is separate feature were user can enter the number of days they can to check the price change for and it will show up in the last column.

Below is a example, I entered to search for BTC @ $3000 and along with that i wanted to compare the change % for the previous 10 days.

I further filter to find coin whos change is between 10% and 30% and $100,000 to $10,000,000,000 market cap..

As you can see the last time BTC was $3000 between the open and close was on 5/8/2017.

So let's check BTC@$3000 , with 10 to 30% change filter and check last 10 days change at the same time

This is the final results,

The “Price when BTC@3000” is the closing price of 5/8/2017 and “change since” is the percentage change.

Delta is nothing but the price difference % between the coin searched and that coin.

the final result table

In the last column, you can notice the 10 days price change.

The web app is still under development. This post was just to share the journey and thought along with getting feedback.

Share and clap if you liked the concert and the app. the looks are planned to change in the coming few days.

Presently i am working on TradeplanIO, a simple crypto screener based on technical indicators. Follow us on twitter @tradeplanIO @shakks

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