A Pitch Deck for Each Stage of Your Company’s Life

Your pitch deck is your company’s story. Make it impactful and relevant. Let it evolve with you and your business.

Nicolas Carteron
Pitch Decks


As an entrepreneur, storytelling is one of the most important skills you need to master. Your ability to deliver a compelling story about why and how you do what you do will persuade people to work for you and investors to fund you.

Until you accumulate a few years of relevant (and successful) financial data, you and your story are your company’s strongest assets. That’s why you need an effective and easy way to share your story with the world. In that regard, your most effective storytelling tool is a well-crafted and impactful pitch deck.

In this article, I will share with you the knowledge and expertise I have acquired in over a decade of working with startups and SMEs in various executive positions.

Together we will address the content of your pitch deck, based on the stage of your company.

But first, an important PSA:

Keep Your Deck Updated



Nicolas Carteron
Pitch Decks

I write about politics, business, society and culture on Medium. For startup/business content, check my newsletter: fundraisedd.substack.com