A Solar Crypto Manifesto

I paired solar with crypto to earn 500% more. Here’s how I’d scale my proof-of-concept up.

Thomas Smith
The Startup


Credit: Gado Images

Solar is a transformative technology. Solar panels take something free and readily available — sunlight — and transform it into a valuable resource, electrical power. They do this with no moving parts and no direct greenhouse gas emissions. And they do it for 20+ years, with almost no maintenance — most panels require a wipe-down every few months, and that’s it.

Even better, solar now performs this remarkable alchemy very cheaply. A combination of tech advances leading to higher efficiency, better manufacturing processes, and scale (largely from Chinese producers) has driven the cost of solar down by 70% in the last decade. You can buy solar panels for a few dollars per watt or less— and that’s before generous tax credits in many countries, including the United States.

With atmospheric carbon reaching new highs every year — and climate change quickly becoming a lived reality instead of a concept — solar may be our best shot at achieving a cooler future.

But solar has a problem. As I’ll explain below, solar currently work at large and small scales, but not in the middle. I believe that another emerging technology — cryptocurrency — has the potential to bridge the gap and make…

