A Universal Truth Of Life: Failure

Erik Brown
The Startup
Published in
9 min readFeb 17, 2019


Photo by Trần Toàn on Unsplash

Many seem to embrace change. Out of the box ideas are celebrated and cherished. New ideas are highlighted. However, I’ve always had this nagging idea that there are some things that cannot be changed.

There are some ideas, thoughts, and life experiences that are universal to mankind and are unchangeable.

No matter the age, culture, or technology of the society, certain things are present. You might call these things universal truths. I’m not a philosopher. I’m a not a historian either — my history knowledge is half-assed at best.

But I’ve read enough, listened enough, and studied enough to see certain universal truths repeated over and over — particularly throughout history and life. I couldn’t give you a list of all of these universal truths, that would be far beyond my ability. But I’ve identified one in particular that I’m certain of.

This universal truth of life is FAILURE.

The Universal Nature Of Failure

“To err is human…”

Alexander Pope

No matter the date in history or place on the globe, all humans experience failure. All have known some sort of disaster. All have felt the pain and…

