LaShawn Smith
The Startup
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2018
Alexandra Gorn

The one true obstacle we all share that threatens productivity is fear.

Fear can oftentimes lead to overwhelming.

Once fear manifests itself to overwhelm we tend to push it off and procrastinate on tasks we should be facing like eating healthier or taking the first step toward starting your own business. Every day we all have our own challenges that tend to hold us back from taking the steps we need to conquer our perceived fears.

However, with all of the habits you build as you try to better yourself on this quest toward becoming more productive, the one you definitely do not want to hold back on is embracing your crazy ideas!

Because your wild ideas define the foundation of believing in yourself. The one habit to build on a daily basis is the unshakable faith in embracing yourself and all of the creative ideas that follow you. At some point, you will feel bruised, broken, and beaten up by life. When that time comes (and it will) just look back and see how far you’ve come. You must make sure that you keep you moving forward but also acknowledge how incredibly remarkable you are by reviewing your accomplishments. It’s OK to take some time out of your busy schedule and examine what you’ve achieved over the course of a week or so. It’s OK to pat yourself on the back and tell yourself “well done”.

So take the time to understand your crazy ideas without inhibition and begin building a foundation of a belief that you can accomplish anything. Remember, your crazy ideas plus your passion will yield some extraordinary results!

So standup and embrace the craziness, innovative, wild, inspiring, creativity brewing inside of you!

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LaShawn Smith
The Startup

Creator of Stuff. Productivity Nerd. Gym Junkie. Comic Book Aficionado. www.secretsaucejournal.com