A Writer’s Toolkit: How to Boost Your Article Engagement

3 easy ways to increase your monthly view & read times.

Jon Hawkins
The Startup


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

There is only one key way for digital marketers and content writers to assess the success of their work. And that is through stats and analytics.

Not any type of stats, either. The main indicator of an article's success is high engagement rates.

That typically translates into high view or read times, or— depending on the project at hand, it might be measured by conversion rates.

Here on Medium, view and read time is everything.

If you’re a content writer, you should be measuring success based on attention and read times, rather than mere clicks.

Modern culture has trained readers to expect instant gratification — if they don’t get it, they leave. According to Buffer, 55% of your readers will read an article for less than 15 seconds before deciding whether to stay.

It’s for this reason that captivating a readers attention can be extremely difficult. Never fear, there are several easy tips and tricks you can adopt which will directly increase your read time.

1. Draw Someone’s Eye With A Powerful Title.



Jon Hawkins
The Startup

Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles which help you better understand the universe and your place in it.